How to Coach the Three-Man Basketball Play Patterns

The most common three man play is scissoring off the post. This play utilizes an inside screen and rear screen. It involves a high post player and both guards, or a medium post man and a guard and forward, on the ball side of the floor.
The high post player moves into position in the outer half of the free throw circle. Upon reaching this position he is passed the ball from either guard. The pivot man is facing mid-court, back to the basket, and with feet spread for good balance. He must be extremely protective of the ball.

The Basic Scissor basketball movement diagramed
Diagram 16 - Basic Scissor Movement - This play involves the high post man and both guards. Player 1 passes the ball into the pivot, who has moved toward the pass, and immediately cuts off the pivots left hip. At the same time teammate 2 fakes right but cuts behind player 1 and off the pivot's right hip to complete the scissor movement. The passer always cuts first. The pivot must quickly read the defense to determine whether the first or second cutter will be in the better position to score. Also, he must be aware of his own defender's reaction. After handing off to either guard he should open toward the ball, move toward the basket, allowing for a return pass (generally a high lob) should his defender switch to the cutter. He is also in good rebounding position in case the guard in possession shoots the ball.
Basketball scissor cut with a shot over a double screen diagramed
Diagram 17 Scissor Movement with Shot over Double Screen - Pivot player 5 receives a pass from guard 2 who cuts as in the original scissor movement. Guard 1 fakes and completes the scissor. His defender 1 slides back behind offensive guard 1 and pivot player 5 to negate the effectiveness of the cut. Offensive player 1 stops, takes a pass from 5 and shoots an 18 foot shot over the double screen set by teammates 2 and 5.
Defensive tactics used to upset the scissoring action can be easily neutralized by using optional splitting-the-post moves. For example, some pivot defenders will overplay to the side where the play is initiated, expecting the second cutter, who will come that way, to receive the pass. He can then step-in and draw the charge. The pivot player should see this. A good fake hand-off and a step to the basket with the foot opposite his defender’s position, a one-bounce dribble will get him an easy lay up. He could also take a medium turn-around shot.

Basketball scissor-cut pvot technique diagramed
Diagram 18 Scissor Cut Pivot Technique - Offensive player 2 has passed to pivot player 5 and started his cut. The pivot player observes his defender moving to the right in anticipation of 2's cut. On seeing this development, offensive player 1 delays his cut. Pivot player 5 pivots on his right foot and steps toward the basket with a long left stride. He can either dribble in for a lay up or take a jump shot.
Many guard defenders of the split-the-post attack drop back about a step in front of the pivot and automatically switch on the crossing guards. To negate this tactic, the second cutter can change direction immediately after starting the cut behind his teammate and cuts through the same side as the first cutter, or the first cutter can stop in front of a defender on the same side he passed in from instead of crossing, and the second guard can stop behind the double screen for a medium range shot.
Basketball scissor Movement where Defenders Prematurely Anticipate the Scissor diagramed

Diagram 19 Scissor Movement where Defenders Prematurely Anticipate the Scissor - Offensive player 2 passes into the pivot player and makes his cut. Teammate 1 starts his cut behind teammate 2. He observes that defender 2 has stopped following teammate 2 and that his own defender, 1, will pick up teammate 2. Guard 1 then changes direction and cuts to the same side of the pivot player as teammate 2.
  The split-the-post maneuver can also be used from the mid-post position, utilizing that position with a guard and a forward on the ball side of the floor. Usually, it is the forward that initiates this pass into the pivot and makes the first cut.
The guard fakes and times his cut behind the forward. Many good shooting opportunities open up because of this movement. If the forward receives the hand-off pass as the first cutter, he is in excellent range for a simple fake and jump shot.
The guard, cutting behind the forward, is also is within good shooting range should the defense fall back. If the don’t and are properly screened he is wide open for a driving lay-up.
The pivot player should open toward the hand off and step toward the basket as he will have inside position should his defender switch. Many shooting opportunities such as the step-in-direction hook shot, baby hooks, or turnaround jumpers, become available to a good pivot player.
It is important that the two teammates, not involved in this play, lure their defenders away from the point of attack and maintain good defensive balance of the floor should the ball be intercepted or possession lost through rebounding action.
The Basketball Scissor Cut using Center, a Forward and a Guard diagramed
Diagram 20 The Scissor Cut using Center, a Forward and a Guard - Forward 3 passes into the pivot. The forward cuts to the outside of his pass. Teammate 1, the guard, fakes opposite then cuts off 3's movement.

sumber :

Membuat Bangun Sederhana dan Menambahkan Teks

Memaknai kemerdekaan dengan desain grafis? kenapa tidak selama kita bisa dan mampu, baik pada tutorial kali ini sesuai dengan judulnya yaitu bangun/frame sederhana dan teks dan temanya saya sesuaikan dengan hari kemerdekaan...

Langkah - Langkahnya:
1. Buka Program inkscape

2. Buat bangun dengan menggunakan Create rectangles and square atau tekan F4 pada keyboard

3. Buat bangun kotak pada lembar kerja
dan gunakan Edit paths by nodes (F2) untuk mebuat bangun kotak tersebut agak rounded (tidak bersudut)
Caranya: dengan menggeser/mendrag lingkaran merah dengan mouse kalian

4. Nah tinggal mewarnai
Klik bangun kemudian klik warna di Color Pallete (untuk mengetahui letak color pallete lihat LAYOUT TAMPILAN INKSCAPE )
Disini penulis mewarnai dengan warna oranye hitam

5. Buat Kotak yang lebih kecil
(caranya: ulangi langkah 2 dan 3, untuk langkah 4 gunakan warna Kuning Telur atau Oranye)

6. Gunakan untuk menTRANSFORM (mengecilkan, memperbesar, memutar, atau memindahkan object)
dan Hasilnya:

7. Tinggal menambahkan Teks
Caranya: Tekan Teks Tool atau bisa juga tombol F8
Sebagai contoh disini penulis menulis , MERDEKA ATAU MATI, 17 Agustus 1945, Indonesia


Selamat Mencoba
Download Source File * SVG Document
dan Semoga Bermanfaat... MERDEKA!!!!

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Efek Foto Kuno Gimp Series

Bagi anda yang ingin memoles foto anda agar kelihatan tidak biasa atau dalam istilah kerennya extraordinary, maka efek foto kuno berikut bisa dijadikan tambahan referensi. Kali ini Tutorial GIMP efek kuno ini menggunakan Gimp yang kita tahu sebagai aplikasi yang open source (gratisan dengan GNU license) sehingga semua orang bisa menggunakannya.

Langkah - langkahnya:

1. Siapkan foto yang akan di edit, kali ini saya memakai foto wanita berkebaya yang saya dapat dari om Google Services, berikut gambarnya:
image gimp
[ket: Kebaya adalah blus tradisional yang dikenakan oleh wanita Indonesia yang terbuat dari bahan tipis yang dikenakan dengan sarung, batik, atau pakaian rajutan tradisional lainnya seperti songket dengan motif warna-warni.]

2. Pada menu utama gimp, pilih Color > Desarture , maka akan muncul pop up:
atur seperti ini
image gimp
setelah itu tekan ok

3. Buat Layer baru, caranya klik new layer
image gimp
maka akan muncul pop up seperti ini:
image gimp
klik Ok
dan hasilnya layar anda berubah putih. Jangan khawatir tetap lanjutkan kerjaan anda karena anda masih setengah pengerjaan

4. Warnai Layer 2 yang telah anda menggunakan Toolbox - Fill Tool (a) lalu sesuaikan warnanya dengan klik (b)
image gimp
maka akan muncul Change Foreground Color , Pada HTML notation masukkan : a7986f
Untuk mengetahui apa itu Foreground klik
Untuk mengetahui apa itu a7986f [bilangan hexadecimal] klik Kode Warna Hexadecimal Dalam Desain Grafis
Setelah melakukan langkah di atas maka tekan OK
Lalu klik kanan pada lembar kerja yang putih tersebut sehingga warnanya berubah menjadi Warna Coklat Muda

5. Nah berikutnya yaitu tahap akhir, mengubah mode Layer 2 dari Normal menjadi Mode Overlay
[letaknya di area Layers]
Caranya: Klik Scrolldown lalu pilih Overlay
Selesai, nah kira - kira hasilnya seperti ini:
image gimp
Lumayan nih buat alternatif wedding "theme album kenangan" :P
selamat berimajinasi di Gimp
Semoga bermanfaat...

sumber :

Efek Teks Beralur

Hi, ketemu lagi di Tutorial Gimp, kali ini saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana cara membuat teks beralur. Beralur dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya adalah mengikuti alur (arah/aliran). efek ini biasanya dipakai pada stempel atau tulisan pada logo suatu perusahaan

Baiklah tanpa panjang x lebar = luas, maka begini Tutorialnya:

1. Buka Program Gimp yang telah anda instal dan klik FILE >> NEW

2. pilih ukuran Lembar kerja (kanvas) yang diinginkan, ukuran terserah namun disini saya memakai ukuran resolusi VGA 640 x 480 pixel

3. Buat path / alur yang ingin anda ciptakan untuk teks anda nantinya
setelah itu munculkan layer path dengan mengklik tanda mata (visible mode)

4. Klik Teks Tool
ketik huruf atau kata yang ingin kamu beri efek

5. klik path layer (A) lalu klik teks along path (B)

6. Selanjutnya klik kanan path layer dan pilih Path to Selection

Matikan Visible mode di area path dengan menekan logo mata

7. Buat Layer baru (A), kemudian Klik Brush Tool (B) lalu kuas area teks untuk pewarnaan dengan brush
jika sudah selesai tekan Select >> None
hilangkan juga path yg telah digambar dengan menekan tombol mata (visible: OFF)
bisa juga dikembangkan tergantung imajinasi anda
begitulah kira - kira cara pembuatan teks beralur
selamat berimajinasi di Gimp
Sampai ketemu di tutorial Gimp Selanjutnya
Semoga bermanfaat...

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Membuat Foto Efek Impian Blur Impact

GIMP juga bisa digunakan untuk foto effek, kali ini kita akan membuat foto artis Hollywood yaitu Kirsten Dunst ini menjadi seperti foto dalam impian atau imajinasi...


1. Siapkan dulu gambar yang akan kamu edit, bisa fot Ce atau Co kamu... atau orang yang kamu sayangi
Kalo mau edit foto artis cari aja di Google Services... KEYWORDNYA: Actress Wallpapers atau Actress Photos

Atau pakai gambar yang disediakan ilmugrafis, Nah tuh kurang enak apa... banyak pilihan kan...
tutorial gimp [+] Klik gambar untuk Zoom
Kirsten Dunst - Cantik
Donwload gambar di ilmugrafis

2. Mari Melakukan Seleksi
Sebetulnya ada banyak cara untuk menyeleksi suatu object, namun saat ini saya pakai cara yang menurut saya paling mudah...
yaitu dengan Metode Quick Mask
tutorial gimp
Untuk mengaktifkan quick mask tinggal nge-klik toggle quick mask pada pojok kiri bawah window image atau dengan menggunakann shortcut ( Shift + Q ).

tutorial gimp
setelah Quick Mask diaktifkan gambar akan jadi merah seperti gambar di atas.

3. untuk memulai seleksi gunakan paintbrush tool tutorial gimp atau tekan ( P )
tutorial gimp
pastikan warna foregroundnya putih

Lalu tinggal paintbrush gambar yang mau diseleksi, kalo ada kesalahan tinggal balikin ajah warnanya, foregroundnya menjadi warna item trus paintbrush lagi untuk koreksi…

shortcut penting di GIMP:
[ = untuk memperkecil ukuran brush
] = untuk memperbesar ukuran brush
+ = untuk zoom in
- = untuk zoom out

hasilnya akan seperti dibawah… jangan lupa untuk zoom in untuk detail-detail yang kecil
tutorial gimp
Seleksi pada Image

Setelah selesai menyeleksi tinggal matikan lagi toggle quickmasknya yang ada di pojok kiri bawah tadi atau tekan Shift + Q, maka otomatis akan menjadi selection. dan apabila pengen koreksi lagi yang tinggal aktifin lagi deh…

Setelah mematikan Quick Mask hasilnya:
tutorial gimp

Untuk lebih mengekspresikan bentuk lekuk- lekuk tubuh ( hehehe... kayak apa aja... ) lakukan ini:
tutorial gimp
Select -> Feather… trus masukkan nilai 18 pixel

Penyelesaian dan penambahan EFEK
Lakukan Invert - Hal ini untuk membalik seleksi
Select -> Invert ( Ctrl + I )

lalu Filter -> Blur -> Motion Blur dan atur seperti ini
tutorial gimp

Hasil Akhirnya:
tutorial gimp

sumber :

Download Total Recorder Professional Edition 8.3 Build 4370 Terbaru Full Version Rilisan 15 Juli 2011

Total Recorder merupakan sebuah Software Perekam dan Pengolah Audio Multi Fungsi yang dapat merekam audio streaming, merekam Suara anda menggunakan Mic, atau dari perangkat eksternal Lain yang terhubung ke PC atau Laptop Anda dengan Kualitas Tinggi ,dan masih banyak Fitur lainnya.

Add-ons Total Recorder: Spectrum Analyzer dan Graphic Equalizer , Digital Mixer , Audio Restoration , AGC dan Speech Enhancement Add-on.

What's New In Version 8.3 build 4370 (released on July 15, 2011)
  • You can use batch processing to change the audio speed in files.
  • If the recording's start time is added to the file tag then you can display the time that a particular position in a recording was recorded.
  • Other minor enhancements.
Total Recorder Professional Edition Main Features:
  • Record directly in any supported sound format. PCM, MP3, WMA, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, APE and any format provided by a system codec are supported. Under Windows 7 AAC Audio within MOV (for playback only), MPEG-4, and 3GP containers is also supported. In addition Professional Edition provides support for a number of high-quality stereo formats (PCM - up to 192kHz 24bit and float, FLAC - up to 192kHz 24bit, WMA Lossless - up to 96kHz 24bit, and formats provided by the Windows Media Audio Professional codec). For more information, see the Selecting an Optimal Recording Format Tutorial.
  • Capture streaming audio or record local audio files reproduced by other programs, such as RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, iTunes, Musicmatch Jukebox, WinAmp, and others. These recordings are performed without the need for special lines for your sound board and without a loss of quality due to redundant conversions from digital to analog to digital. Many additional options are available. For example, you can use accelerated recording to increase the recording speed or you can choose to suppress Internet transmission gaps. For more information, see the Recording an Internet Broadcast Tutorial.
  • Record any sound passing through any line of your sound card with the ability to listen to audio being captured. For example, you can record sound being played back by an external program, or sound from a microphone, an external LP, cassette, CD/DVD player, AM/FM/Satellite radio, etc. For more information, see the Recording from an External Device tutorial.
  • Use Total Recorder as a VoIP recorder to record both parties of a VoIP (Voice over IP) calls or an Internet-telephony conversation when using programs like Skype, Google Talk, Yahoo voice, MSN, etc. For more information, see the Recording VoIP Calls and Internet-telephony Conversations Tutorial.
  • Background record (i.e. capture streaming audio) an Internet-broadcast in MP3, WMA and Ogg Vorbis formats. This feature allows you to do the following:
    – Capure streaming audio (an Internet broadcast) in their original format without decoding and re-encoding.
    – Record without using an external player.
    – Extract track information from a stream.
    You can also slow down or speed up the playback of an Internet broadcast.
  • Convert files to any supported format (including on the fly converting while recording). For more information, see the Sound Format Conversion Tutorial.
  • Edit sound files using a built-in sound editor. This built-in sound editor allows you to cut, trim, and join your recordings. Editing can be performed using a visual representation of the sound or using clipboard operations. All editing functions are performed without decompressing/recompressing to preserve sound quality and save time.
  • Use the time shift feature to listen to the recorded sound while a recording is being made. While listening, you can move anywhere within the recorded part of the sound stream and start playback. recording
  • Split recordings on separate clips. You can indicate that the sound being recorded will be split on separate clips during the recording. File tags can be created automatically.
  • Split recordings on separate files. You can indicate that the sound being recorded will be split into separate files during recording based on different conditions (size, duration, low sound level, etc.). Splitting an existing recording can also be done. For more information, see the Splitting and Tagging Files Tutorial.
  • Use Cue-sheet files. Total Recorder lets you create cue-points, which can be used for splitting a file afterwards. These cue-points can be created manually, for example to make a bookmark in a sound file. Or they can be created automatically during a recording session (based on pause reduction, changes of the clip information in an external player, etc.) or while capturing streaming audio and information about a track changes.
  • Create and edit file tags. Total Recorder can work with file tags for any of the supported media formats. Tags can also include artwork and the recording's start time with the ability to display this timestamp.
  • Play a media file at a slower or faster speed than normal while optionally preserving the original tone.
  • Schedule playbacks or recordings using Total Recorder's powerful built-in scheduler. For example, you can schedule a recording and use a stop condition such as an absolute time, a duration, the absence of a sound signal, and so on. The scheduler includes many other options. For more information, see Using the Scheduler Tutorial.
  • Normalize recordings to adjust the level of sound. Normalization of MP3 files is performed without re-encoding or any loss of quality.
  • Perform general operations on playlists, such as merge multiple files in a playlist, rename files from a playlist using tag information, save a playlist, etc.
  • Favorites are supported by Total Recorder. Favorites provide a faster and more convenient way to open a file, playlist, or URL. You can organize your Favorites list, use predefined sample links, and export and import Favorites.
  • Put your computer in standby or hibernate mode when an automatic job completes.
  • Perform batch processing. You can use batch processing to convert, normalize, split, rename, tag, change speed, apply add-ons, or perform other operations on multiple files. For more information, see the Batch Processing Tutorial.
  • Save an audio file with a different speed than the speed with which it was recorded. This can be useful, for example, when you have recorded a news transmission and you want to listen to the recording at a faster speed.
DiSitusnya untuk mendapatkan yang Full Version anda harus membayar sebesar $35.95,Tapi Di InternetTeknologi.Com anda akan mendapatkan secara Gratis.

Extract,Install File bernama Setup InternetTeknologi.Com sampai selesai,lalu restart PC .
Total Recorder jangan di buka dulu
Copy File bernama TotalRecorder
Pastekan Di C\Program Files\HighCriteria\TotalRecorder
Jika Muncul pesan pilih saja Copy and Replace

Klik Double pada File bernama Registration diatas,klik yes terus sampai muncul pesan Sukses seperti berikut.

Cara Menggunakannya
Buka Total Recorder Professional Edition 8.3 Build 4370
Muncul Wizardnya seperti dibawah ini
Klik Cancel
Klik Help About
Sudah Registered to Orbeat,Klik OK
Buka Wizard lagi,klik Tools>>Recording Wizard
Klik Next
Pilih Let Me Choose The Recording Device and recording line
Klik Next
Pilih Microphone PC anda pada Recording Device (Jika belum menggunakan Microphone external,Langsung Klik Next)
Klik Next
Pilih Yes untuk Test Suara masuk melalui Micrhone Laptop atau External anda
Klik Next
Klik Start,lalu silahkan anda test Bicara/Keluarkan suara anda di dekat laptop atau melalui Microphone anda dengan keras sampai warna hijau muncul di Recording Level (Jika suara yang masuk kecil akan muncul pesan problem,pilih saja ignore proble>>Next Recording wizard)
Jika ingin dalam Format stndar pilih saja Record in MP3 Format. (jika ingin suara lebih besar pilih Let me choose the recording format manually>>klik Change>>silahkan pilih ukurannya>>Klik OK)

Klik Next
Jika diatas anda pilih Format MP3 maka muncul pilihan Qualitas MP3 seperti berikut,pilih saja Near high quality

Klik Next
Jika ingin mengatur Nama album,Judul lagu,Artis,silahkan klik Change tag
Jika tidak ,klik Next
Pilih No
Klik Next
Pilih No
Klik Next
Klik Finish
Coba tes rekam suara anda
Klik tombol Record
Klik tombol stop ,lalu klik tombol Play

Silahkan Download Total Recorder Professional Edition 8.3 Build 4370 Terbaru Full Version Rilisan 15 Juli 2011 Disini

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